
10 April

Selina Keer on the 38 Riga Fashion Week with her collection “Looking your red”

Collection SELINA KEER “Game of Reflection” The world continues to change the colors of the individuality spectrum, as a litmus test of current events and a reflection of a new personality. Despite the elements of sweeping change, the game helps us avoid the consequences of any changes in deep connections, excitement and memories that can create a new, definitely intriguing world – reflecting the concept of epiphany! What is your reflection like: Beauty, mystery of the evening and sophistication during the day? The game has begun!

10 October

Selina Keer on the 35 Riga Fashion Week with her collection
“Looking your red”

Nature has created a luxurious rose flower, all the great designers, artists, musicians turned to red and it continues to inspire.
It would seem that color is simple, but in fact it is energy, light radiation. And how color energy color affects the physical processes in our body. The study of this amazing fact begins with the color red, as a powerful aphrodisiac.
The study of the color red, immersion in Michel Pastoureau’s “Red”, Marcel Proust’s allusions in the novel “In Search of Lost Time” have run like a red thread through my work and inspiration, weaving into the story that I share with you in the collection


My red – was, is and will be the color of love

Природа создала роскошный цветок- розу , все великие дизайнеры , художники ,музыканты обращались к красному и он продолжает вдохновлять . Казалось бы , цвет – это просто , но на самом деле это энергия , световое излучение . И как цветовая энергия цвет оказывает влияние на физические процессы в нашем теле . Изучение этого удивительного факта начинается с красного цвета , как сильнодействующего афродизиака . Изучение красного цвета, погружение в «Красный» Мишеля Пастуро , аллюзии Марселя Пруста в романе «В поисках утраченного времени» прошли красной нитью по моему творчеству и вдохновению вплетаясь в историю , которой я делюсь с вами в коллекции


Мой красный – был, есть и будет цветом любви .

Daba ir radījusi greznu rožu ziedu, visi lieliskie dizaineri, mākslinieki, mūziķi pievērsās sarkanai krāsai un tas turpina iedvesmot. Šķiet, ka krāsa ir vienkārša, bet patiesībā tā ir enerģija, gaismas starojums. Un kā krāsu enerģijas krāsa ietekmē fiziskos procesus mūsu termenī. Šī apbrīnojamā fakta izpēte sākas ar sarkano krāsu kā spēcīgu afrodiziaku. Sarkanās krāsas izpēte, iedziļināšanās Mišela Pastoureau “Sarkanajā”, Marsela Prusta mājieni romānā “Zudušo laiku meklējot” ir kā sarkans pavediens cauri manam darbam un iedvesmai, ieaužoties stāstā, kurā dalos ar jums kolekcijā


Mana sarkanā – bija, ir un būs mīlestības krāsa.


1 June

Selina Keer with cruise collection spring-summer 2023 

“Deep Identity” in 34 Riga Fashion Week


Inspiration –  is a special state of an artist. It is a long-term filling of spiritual vessels with the nectar of beauty.

In the collection «Deep Identity”, the designer expresses herself by immersing in the nuances of her creativity and inspiration.

This is the happiness of childhood, dreams, carelessness, the burning sun of the day and alluring sunsets in the evening, classical music and music of the East, Jacaranda gardens, stories of fashion houses, photo exhibitions, Paris galleries, the Louvre, cinema of the 1970s-1990s with lavish costumes from famous designers and much more that have shaped the designer’s style and the DNA of the SELINA KEER brand.

 Selina Keer

“Dziļā identitāte”

Iedvesma – ir īpašs mākslinieka stāvoklis, tā ir ilgstoša garīgo trauku piepildīšana ar skaistuma nektāru.

Kolekcijā “Deep Identity”  dizaineris izpauž sevi, iegrimstot sava radošuma un iedvesmas niansēs.

 Tā ir bērnības laime, sapņi, bezrūpība, dienas degošā saule un pievilcīgi saulrieti vakarā, klasiskā mūzika un austrumu mūzika, Džakarandas dārzi, modes namu stāsti, fotoizstādes, galerijas Milānā un Parīzē, Luvra, 1970.–1990. gadu kinoteātris ar slavenu dizaineru grezniem kostīmiem un daudz kas cits, kas veidoja dizainera stilu un zīmola SELINA KEER DNS.

Selina Keer 

«Глубинная идентичность»

Вдохновение – это особое состояние художника , это многолетнее наполнение душевных сосудов нектаром красоты. 

В коллекции «Глубинная  идентичность» дизайнер выражает себя,  погрузившись в нюансы  своего творчества и вдохновения .

Это  и счастье детства , мечты , беззаботность , обжигающее солнце дня  и манящие закаты вечера , классическая музыка и музыка востока , сады Жакаранды , истории модных домов , фотовыставки , галереи Парижа , Лувр , кино 1970-1990 х  с роскошными костюмами от известных дизайнеров и многое другое , что сформировало стиль дизайнера и ДНК бренда SELINA KEER .


Selina Keer 

7 November

Selina Keer on the world show “X Factor” season 4

Ar prieku un lepnumu paziņoju, ka Selina Keer pievienojusies Latvijas kanāla TV3 rīkotajam globālajam projektam, kas gatavo grandiozu projektu – pie skatītājiem atgriežas 4. sezonu pārstāvošais pasaules vērienīgākais mūzikas šovs X Faktors. Šovā aicināti piedalīties mūzikas talanti no visas Latvijas, kuri ir gatavi uzdrīkstēties īstenot savus trakākos sapņus par muzikālo karjeru.
Jaunu zvaigžņu dzimšanai skatītāji var sekot līdzi šovā X Faktors kanālā TV3 svētdienās.
Raidījumu vada Markus Riva, un dalībniekus vērtē profesionāla žūrija: grupas Prāta Vētra menedžere Aija Aushkapa, grupas Musiqq dalībnieks Marats Ogļezņevs, grupas Instrumenti dalībnieks Reinis Seyans un popzvaigzne Intars. Busulis.
X Faktora mūzikas producente Maya Seyane sacīja: “Gaidām ikvienu, kas vēlas būt uz skatuves, kam ir ko teikt mūzikā – vārdos vai klātienē. Gaidām dalībniekus, kuri ir gatavi strādāt, mācīties un iedvesmoties no mentoriem. Jaunajā sezonā “X Faktors” parādīt, ka Latvijā ir muzikāli talanti!”


Skaista Aija Auškopa Selīnas Kēras tērpos!

Я рада и горда сообщить о том , что Selina Keer присоединилась к мировому проекту , который организовал Латвийский канал TV3 , который готовит грандиозный проект – к зрителям возвращается самое амбициозное музыкальное шоу в мире X Factor, представляющее 4 сезон. Для участия в шоу приглашаются музыкальные таланты со всей Латвии, которые готовы решиться воплотить свои смелые мечты о музыкальной карьере.
За рождением новых звезд в шоу X Factor зрители могут следить на канале TV3 по воскресеньям .
Шоу ведёт Маркус Рива, а оценивает участников – профессиональное жюри: менеджер группы Prāta Vētra Айя Аушкапа, участник группы Musiqq Марат Оглезнев, участник группы Instrumenti Рейнис Сеянс и поп-звезда Интарс Бусулис.
Музыкальный продюсер X Factor Майя Сеяне заявила: «Мы ждем каждого, кто хочет быть на сцене, кому есть что сказать в музыке – словами или собственной личностью. Мы ждем участников, которые готовы работать, учиться и вдохновляться от наставников. Чтобы показать в новом сезоне «X Factor», что в Латвии есть музыкальные таланты!»

 Браво !
Прекрасная Айя Аушкопа в нарядах Selina Keer !

I am delighted and proud to announce that Selina Keer has joined the global project organized by the Latvian channel TV3, which is preparing an ambitious project – the most ambitious music show in the world, X Factor, representing season 4, is returning to viewers. Musical talents from all over Latvia are invited to participate in the show, who are ready to dare to realize their wildest dreams of a musical career.
Viewers can follow the birth of new stars in the show X Factor on TV3 on Sundays.
The show is hosted by Markus Riva, and the participants are assessed by a professional jury: the manager of the Prāta Vētra group Aija Aushkapa, the member of the Musiqq group Marat Ogleznev, the member of the Instrumenti group Reinis Seyans and the pop star Intars Busulis.
X Factor Music Producer Maya Seyane said: “We are waiting for everyone who wants to be on stage, who has something to say in music – in words or in person. We are waiting for participants who are ready to work, learn and be inspired by mentors. To show in the new season “X Factor” that there are musical talents in Latvia! “

Beautiful Aya Aushkopa in Selina Keer outfits!


15 October

Selina Keer participates in 33 Riga Fashion Week

Dear friends, partners and clients, I am pleased to announce that Riga Fashion Week will take place from 12-16.10.2021
SELINA KEER show will take place in Riga, ATTA CENTRS, 15.10.2021. 19:00
Entry to the event with Qcode 

I will present you the FOUR SEASONS collection

The change of seasons and the play of natural shades are embodied in natural colors in the SELINA KEER collection – “FOUR SEASONS”
The versatility of the mood of the capsule, created especially for the fashion week, allowed the designer to experiment with a wide variety of styles. She combined several ethnic trends and revealed herself thanks to prints, deep colors, rich texture of fabrics and in the brand’s DNA – femininity of silhouettes.

Selina Keer

Photo – Natalie Berezina Natalie Berezina
Model -Adel @theadelaida
MUAH – Julia Zolberga а

25 June 2021

New collection

Spring – Summer 2022 is ready.
This summer’s three capsules are like three moods inspiring multiple horizons.
The first is “Sunrise” Linen boho chic. It contains the energy of the sunrise – this energy creates unity with nature and is displayed in style, texture, colors of natural fabrics and embroidery on cotton.
The second – Resort – “Capri”. The mood of this capsule is reflected in the princess of not only this wonderful island, but all of Italy. It’s a celebration of color!
The third is “NUEVO” Bohemian chic. New textures of fabrics – their plasticity, allows you to realize your plans. The lingerie style is evident in new silhouettes and designs.
The girl Selina Keer is always beautiful and confident during the day, charming and mysterious in the evening.

30 October 2020

SELINA KEER presented the collection “Forget Me Not” spring / summer 2021

Selina Keer turned back to nature for inspiration. As a result,it was embodied in bright, unforgettable, feminine images.Summer, sea, long journeys are the main sources of design solutions.And when else, if not in summer, indulge in a variety of moods and unexpected fantasies, have fun and experiment with images. In these three long-awaited months, you can afford absolutely everything: fluffy skirts, unusual prints and intricate hats, organza and eco-leather of all shades. The wildest dreams and desires are laid on summer travels and events! These fantasies served as inspiration for the “Forget Me Not” collection. The beautiful hats in the collection are a collaboration with the beautiful hat designer Ksenia Danilova. Jewelry-Selina Keer.

27 October 2020

In the annual nomination “Fashion Award of the Year” by the Baltic Fashion Federation Selina Keer was nominated for the “Debut of the Year” award with the “Blue Inspiration” spring / summer 2020 collection.This is a success and pride for the brand.

31 May 2020

The triumph of the moment

Infrequently, but this happens, perhaps, with everyone. You do something, draw, invent, sew, invest your dreams and images. And suddenly a guest appears. At this moment, fantasy is superimposed on reality to the utter indistinguishability. And you understand with the sixth sense: here, that’s who you tried for, not even suspecting it. And then the sacrament of fusion takes place – the dress, the image sits perfectly, emphasizing all the bends of the figure and soul. At such moments, we all understand that the meaning of the designer’s work is to allow the woman to feel special.

Beautiful Kristine Opolais in blue and white dresses from my debut Fashion collection – “Blue Inspiration”. The photographer Tatyana Vlasova miraculously caught and revealed the change of images and the moment of reincarnation.

Kristine Opolais is one of the most sought after sopranos on the international scene today, with a firmly established reputation amongst the world’s pre-eminent singing actresses, combining lustrous tone and fierce dramatic intensity. Opolais appears at the Metropolitan Opera New York, Wiener Staatsoper, Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin, Bayerische Staatsoper, Teatro alla Scala, Opernhaus Zürich and Royal Opera House Covent Garden. She is working with such conductors as Daniel Barenboim, Sir Antonio Pappano, Sir Simon Rattle, Sir Mark Elder, Daniel Harding, Andris Nelsons, Fabio Luisi, Kirill Petrenko and Semyon Bychkov.

Kristine Opolais Tatyana Vlasova photographer Style by Selina Keer – “ Blue inspiration “ ss2020 Fashion week collection.

5 January 2020

Selina Keer Women’s Fashion Philosophy Plus Size

Selina Keer proclaims the belief that every woman is worthy to catch admiring glances. Despite the fact that the brand has a size range from 40 sizes, the brand designer pays special attention to the “plus size”. Selina Keer plus size collections are a special relationship philosophy. Women with shapes are women who also love comfort, luxury and absolute quality, and want to be elegant, fashionable,sophisticated and modern. Many steps have been taken in the search for a unique concept in order to arrive at the right one,my own style, corresponding to the desires and needs of the ladies with a “plus size”.Plus sizes are integrated into all Selina Keer collections and represent a style aimed at a woman who is attentive to quality and comfort.

1 November 2019

SELINA KEERS debut on the Fashion week

After long time collaboration and projects designer created the line of SELINA KEER with that and a spring-summer makes debut on Riga Fashion Week 2020.A romantic minimalism and are hand writing and DNA brand.On the week of fashion a separate capsule will be presented in a blue color – “Blue Inspirations”.Combination of fabrics is neat thus to pass all moments of inspiration through that a designer, passed creating this collection: crepes , cotton organza, and blue flax became basic fabric with the intertwined metal filament that at the hit of light plays and sparkles as morning dew on sweet one by a designer blue iris.As well as in former collections of brand , natural naturalness of color is supported by his deep symbolics,causing associations with the most romantic “blue” period of Picasso,impertinent blue of Yves Klein and harmonious rest of the Japanese engraving of epoch of Edo.

7 September 2019

Dress for the special events

Selina Keer company also carries out couture orders for special occasions.The dress for the Riga Ball was created specifically for this event.For the fourth time in Latvia, one of the country’s most striking and grandiose cultural events will take place – “Riga Ball 2019. Latvian Ballet – 100!”. As before, one of the most striking and grandiose cultural events of the country will invite guests to spend an unforgettable evening in the exquisite interiors of the House of the Blackheads,to the accompaniment of selected classic works of the 18th and 19th centuries.This year “Riga Ball” will be dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Latvian ballet, therefore, in addition to Mazurka, waltz, polonaise and counter-dance,ball patroness Natalie Tumshevits-Ergle and her team under the direction the art director of the Riga Ball 2019,teacher,of director and choreographer Talis Sils included in the program special numbers that address the theme of ballet performances.The concert program of the event will be attended by: the Operetta Theater Symphony Orchestra conducted by conductor Atvars Lakstigala, the Mirage Jazz Orchestra conducted by Lauris Amantovs; Leading soloists of the Latvian National Opera and Ballet, as well as young talents – talented Latvian musicians, pupils of orphanages and many others.